South Drinks

Branding Digital Illustration

South Drinks is one of my entrepeneur projects. Based on Germany market we have deloped a "revitalizing ®" drink called KUIBA®. My job in the company is to develop all visual communication, from the logo and packaging design to more complex communication stratigies, mainly based on web-marketing. I have also develeped both web sites for the company and our main product.

south drinks kuiba revitalizing drink
Bernie Sanders sebafo8
Bernie Sanders
Sleaford Mobs Portrait sebafo8
Sleaford Mobs
Old guy Portrait sebafo8
Old guy
Medrano Portrait sebafo8
Manuel Medrano
Falcao Portrait sebafo8
Falcao Garcia "El Tigre"
Portrait Red Bald guy sebafo8
Red bald guy
Portrait Notorious sebafo8
Notorious B.I.G.
Portrait Adrien Brody sebafo8
Adrien Brody
Portrait Mike Breaking Bad sebafo8
Mike from Braking Bad
Portrait Pepe Mujica sebafo8
Pepe Mujica
Dani del Corral, photoshop, made for ProducciónAparte
Totto Travel flashmob, photoshop, made for ProducciónAparte
Totto Travel flashmob, photoshop, made for ProducciónAparte
Totto Travel flashmob, photoshop, made for ProducciónAparte
Geometric wallpaper exploration, illustrator
my family portrait, photoshop
The photo that should exist, photoshop
me ne vado, ipad illustration exploration
iPad illustration